Saturday 25 October 2014

Who did Jesus die for and who can be saved? What do you think the Bible teaches? Part II

Following my first post on this, I thought that it would be helpful to set out in a table more detail on the similarities and differences between the three views. The ticks and crosses indicate whether or not the view taken allows you to affirm the statements in the first column without contradicting what is affirmed in each view.

Feedback I've had since the fist post indicates that there are some views that would sit somewhere in between View 1 and View 2.

A variation on View 1 holds that following Jesus' ascension, the Holy Spirit is working in the heart of every single person in the world to persuade them of the truth of the Gospel, such that everyone who believes believes because of the work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, but the Holy Spirit works equally in the heart of every person and it is still possible for everyone to resist the work of the Holy Spirit. Another view is almost identical to this except that the Holy Spirit only does this work in some people. For the purposes of the table I have included these variations with View 1.

View 1 and the views falling between 1 and 2
View 2
View 3
Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ
What Jesus suffered on the cross is what every sinner deserves to suffer
Everyone who repents and believes will be saved
The call to repent and believe should be preached to all people indiscriminately
No one will be saved unless they repent and believe before death / before Jesus returns (not taking into account debates surrounding the children of believers)
The intensity of what Jesus suffered on the cross does not increase or decrease depending upon the number of people who are saved by his death

The cross is proof of the love that God has for every single person and of his desire that every person be saved

God loves some people more that others
You can truthfully say to everyone you meet, “Jesus died for you.”
Once the Gospel has been proclaimed to someone, the only thing preventing that person being saved is their refusal to believe
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are united in what they want the cross to achieve
If you believe the Gospel today, having properly understood it, you can have confidence that you will still believe it tomorrow no matter how much the devil tries to convince you that you no longer believe
Your own goodness/wisdom/character makes no contribution at all to your salvation


  1. Nice analysis. I've thought about this a bit and I think it's important, but I wonder whether God's bemused by my obsession over such things. He controls the entire panorama of salvation - most of which I don't see - whilst we're still trying to work out how much RGB is in a single pixel of it.

  2. That's a good point. There's definitely a balance to be struck here and I'm challenged by how much effort I can put into writing this compared with how little effort I devote to speaking to our loving Father who sent Jesus to die for me and his Spirit to live within me. I do hope though that this will help people and will a small contribution to the discussions people have on this, if only to show that all three views are respectable and that holding different views on this shouldn't affect the unity we have in Christ.
